How to journal your way to consistent, repeatable fly fishing success...

In order to catch more fish on a routine basis you need to know two things:
1) Exactly where to go
2) Exactly when to go
Of course it's not realistic to assume that you're always going to have these nailed down, but how can you increase your chances?
One word. Journal!
Journal, journal, journal.
Journal each and every outing on the water, especially the ones that yield little to no results as these might save you from making the same mistakes in the future.
Some fisheries are very technical, meaning that the window in which you can time the migration, the hatch or the water conditions can be very small.
The difference between one or two days on either end can be the difference between good fishing and great fishing, or good fishing and horrible fishing.
The Fly Fishing Journal allows you to track critical bits of information like:
- Air temperature
- Water temperature
- Barometer
- Hatch
- Most productive flies and techniques
- Least productive flies and techniques
- Quantity of fish hooked, landed and released
- Biggest wins, losses and takeaways from each outing
What are two huge advantages of digital vs. physical journals?
1) You can't lose them (been there, done that))
2) You never have to buy another one!
You can save The Fly Fishing Journal to as many devices you want, and when you start running out of pages you can simply duplicate the file and start over!
I created this journal after losing half of my fly fishing journals, a mistake I never want to have the option to make again.
I also created The Fly Fishing Journal to help anglers better track their statistics and measure their fly fishing growth over the years.
Journaling is something that all great anglers place immense value on.
The Fly Fishing Journal contains done-for-you, templated pages as well as a handful of actionable fly fishing tips and strategies throughout its pages.
For the price of a premium coffee, you can have somewhere to store your fly fishing memories for the rest of time.
Save The Fly Fishing Journal to as many devices, hard drives and cloud storages as you please, and enjoy having somewhere reliable to hold a lifetime of fly fishing memories!